Quick update

Holiday shopping (buying for Xmas for family), end of year deadlines, and a few other things are taking up a bunch of time. Oh, I have an alternate approach to a physics problem I’m looking at, but that’s a separate issue.

As for sharing:



I might use this in the near future: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41524-023-01165-7

Colloquial take on effect of technology: https://www.musicradar.com/news/geoff-emerick-was-totally-anti-technology-back-in-1985-but-he-did-correctly-predict-the-future-of-recording

Consider my love of anime / manga (not related): https://www.space.com/mysterious-sun-goddess-particle-new-physics

I should consider reading this: https://phys.org/news/2023-11-carbon-neutrality-extreme-weather-events.html

Not really that important, but if I have some young readers, this might be encouraging: